  1. On the estimation of the lightning return stroke current, Z-I. Kawasaki, Y. Mizutani, T. Nakai, T. Takeuti, Proceedings of International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, pp.351-357, June 1984.

  2. APD's and CRDls fornoise from Bu11etTrains in Japan, T. Nakai, Z-I. Kawasaki, Proc. of 1984 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, pp.250-256, Oct 1984.

  3. Electromagnetic fields on the ground due to lightning strokes triggered with rockets and a tall chimney, T. Takeuti, M. Nakano, Z-I. Kawasaki, N. Takagi, Proceedings of 6th Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, pp.6l-65, March 1985.

  4. Group velocity of lightning return Stroke currents, Z-I. Kawasaki, M. Nakano, T. Takeuti, T. Nakai, Proceedings of International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, pp.241-245, June 1985.

  5. Electron fluid model simulations on lightning return strokes, Z-I. Kawasaki and S. Israelsson, Proceedings of International Conference on Lightning, and Static Electricity, pp. 1021-1024, June 1986.

  6. Spectrum analyses of positive groundstrokes during winter in Japan, Z-I. Kawasaki and S. Israelsson, ibid, pp.1121-1127, June 1986.

  7. Numerical simulations of lightning by means of the leader propagation model, Z-I. Kawasaki, M. Nakano, T. Takeuti, T. Hasegawa, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, pp.483-489, June 1988. Also in Proceedings of International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, pp.44-46, April 1988.

  8. Fourier spectra of positive lightning fields during winter thunderstorms, Z-I. Kawasaki, M. Nakano, T. Takeuti, M. Nagatani, and H. Nakada, ibid, p.862, June l988.

  9. Return stroke velocity of positive lightning, M. Nakano, M. Nagatani, H. Nakada, Z-I. Kawasaki, and T. Takeuchi, Proceedings. of l988 France-Japan Seminar on lightning, p.25, Mf?ay 1988.

  10. Fractal stepped leader model and space charge, Z-I. Kawasaki, T. Hasegawa, T. Takeuti, M. Nakano, Y. Sonoi, T. Nagai. M. Yamada, Proceedings. of the 1989 International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, Sep. 1989.

  11. Anomalous features of electromagnetic pulses caused by lightning, return strokes during winter thunderstorms in Japan, K. Yamamoto, Y. Aiki, K. Matsu-ura, Z-I. Kawasaki, H. Kinoshita, I. Arima, URSI E分科 地球・宇宙電磁環境に関する東京国際会議, Sep. 1989, pp.87-94, Springer Verlag, 1991.

  12. VHF/UHF radiation from positive and negative lightning, M. Nakano, Z-I. Kawasaki, T. Takeuchi, T. Shirai, and Y. Kawamata, URSI E分科 地球・宇宙電磁環境に関する東京国際会議, Sep. 1989, pp.95-101, Springer Verlag, 1991.

  13. Localization of partial discharges using time difference of arrival of radiation fields, Z-I. Kawasaki, J-M. Li, K. Matsu-ura, M. Kawasaki, 0. Sugimoto, Proceedings. of the 3rd International Conference of Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, July 1991.

  14. Common physical processes in natural and triggered lightning in winter storms in Japan, Z-I. Kawasaki, V Mazur, Proceedings. of the 9th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Vol.1, pp.268-274, l992.

  15. The electromagnetic field-changes due to upward developing leaders in rocket triggered lightning, M. Nakano, K. Horii, S. Katsuragi, M. Yokota, and Z-I. Kawasaki, ibid, Vol.1, pp.279-282, l992.

  16. Radar echo structure of thunder clouds observed at Shigaraki, Japan in the Baiu Season 1991, H. Uyeda, N. Takahashi, S. Shimizu, Y Arima, K. Kikuchi, Z-I. Kawasaki, A. Watanabe, M. D. Yamanaka, and Y Sonoi, ibid, Vol.3, pp.733-736, 1992.

  17. The electromagnetic field changes due to upward developing leaders in rocket triggered lightning, M. Nakano, K. Hot-ii, Y Katsuragi, M. Yokota, Z-I. Kawasaki, ibid, Vol.3, pp.882-886, l992.

  18. Comprehensive measurement of lightf?ning strokes to the CN Tower in Toronto, W. Janischewskyj, A. M. Hussein, W. A. Chisholm, JTS. Chantcr, Z-I. Kawasaki, P. Dziurewicz, ibid, Vol.3, pp.910-913, 1992.

  19. Real time monitor of thunderstorm activities in Japan by SAFIR, Z-I. Kawasaki, K. Matsu-ura, P. Richard, ibid, Vol.3, pp.920-924, 1992.

  20. How to trigger the lightning by high power laser, Z-I. Kawasaki, K. Matsu-ura, 24th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, No.184, l993.

  21. On spatial phase difference method for detection, E-M signals associated with partial discharges in power apparatus, Z-I. Kawasaki, K. Matsu-ura, Proceedings. International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, pp.109-1l2, 1993.

  22. Experiments of rocket triggered lightning to electric power facilities, K. Nakamura, S. Sumi, M. Yoda, H. Sakurano, Z-I. Kawasaki, M. Yokoya, IAMAP-IAHS '93, 1993.

  23. On Lightning Activity during Winter Thunderstorm in Japan, Z-I. Kawasaki, K. Yamamoto, K. Matsu-ura, IAMAP-IAHS '93, 1993.

  24. The lateral luminosity distribution of summer lightning channel, N. T. Akagi, T. Watanabe, I. Arima, K. Yamamoto, Z-I. Kawasaki, K. Matsu-ura, M. Nakano, Y. Katsuragi, IAMAP-IAHS ‘93, 1993.

  25. Initiating and Guiding a Streamer with Laser, D. Wang, Z-I. Kawasaki, E. Fujiwara, Y Izawa, K. Matsu-ura, Y Shimada, S. Uchida, C. Yamanaka, IAMAP-IAHS '93, l993.

  26. Luminous propagation of lightning attachment to CN Tower, D. Wang, Z-I. Kawasaki, K. Yamamoto, K. Matsu-ura, J-S. Chang, W. Janischewskyj, Proceedings. of 16th International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, pp.75-84, l994.

  27. Laser triggered lightning experiment, D. Wang, T. Ushio, Z-I. Kawasaki, K. Matsu-ura, Y. Shimada, S. Uchida, C. Yamanaka, Y Izawa, Y Sonoi, N. Shimokura, ibid, pp.85-93, 1994.

  28. Fundamental experiments concerning laser triggered lf?ightning, D. Wang, Y. Shimada, S. Uchida, E. Fujiwara, Z-I. Kawasaki, K. Matsu-ura, Y. Izawa, and V. Yamanaka, Dusty and Dirty Plasmas, Noise, and Chaos in Space and in the Laboratory, pp.313-321, Plenum Press 1994.

  29. Synchronized multipoint measurements of lightning electric field changes, T. Ushio, D. Wang, Z-I. Kawasaki, K. Matsu-ura, Proceedings. Of International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, pp.52.1-52.10, 1995.

  30. Field experiments on laser triggered lightning, D. Wang, K. Yokoi, Z-I. Kawasaki, K. Matsu-ura, IUGG XXT General Assembly Abstracts, No.A256, l995.

  31. Synchronized multipoint measurements of lightning electric field changes, T. Ushio, D. Wang, Z-I. Kawasaki, K. Matsu-ura, ibid, No.A264, 1995.

  32. Is bi-leader progression concept true?, Z-I. Kawasaki, K. Matsu-ura, T. Matsui, M. Adachi, 25th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Vol.3, No.232, 1996.

  33. Imaging of lightning channel in three dimensions using interferometer, J. Ohnuki, Z-I. Kawasaki, M. Wada, K. Matsu-ura. T. Matsui, Proceedings. of 10th international Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, pp.325-328, 1996.

  34. Characteristics of winter thunder clouds observed by a dual-polarization Doppler radar around Wakasa bay, west coast of Japan, H. Ueda, T. Ohtsu, H. Kagaya, Y Asuma, K. Kikuchi, Z-I. Kawasaki, Y Sonoi, ibid, pp.568-571, 1996.

  35. Applicability of dual polarization radar to precipitation particle discrimination compared with that of radiosound observation: A Case Study, Y Sonoi, Z-I. Kawasaki, Y. Maekawa, K. Fukami, T. Takahashi, S. Fukao, ibid, pp.572-575, 1996.

  36. Electric fields of initial breakdown in lightning, T. Ushio, Z-I. Kawasaki, K. Matsu-ura, ibid, pp.568-591, 1996.

  37. Is bi-leader progression concept true?, Z-I. Kawasaki, K. Matsu-ura, T. Matsui, M. Adachi, ibid, pp.596-599, 1996f?.

  38. Rocket triggered lightning, Z-I. Kawasaki, V. Cooray, Supplement of l2th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, pp.387-390, 1997.

  39. Laser triggered lightning in field experiments, S. Uchida and Z-I. Kawasaki, 15thInternational Warsaw symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 1998.

  40. Lightning activity in Darwin and LIS observations, Z-I. Kawasaki, 32nd Scientific Assembly of COSPAR, 1998.

  41. Theory and measurement of broadband radio frequency sources emitted from lightning using radio interferometer, R. Mardiana, T. Ohta, M. Murakami, T. Ushio, Z-I. Kawasaki, and K. Matsu-ur?a, International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 1998.

  42. A new diagnosis method of ground fault causes on distribution line using wavelet transform, A. Tungkanawanich, M Kawada, Z-I. Kawasaki, K Matsu-ura, H. Kunoh, K. Oku, ibid., 1998.

  43. Observation of lightning discharge processes using broadband radio interferometer, R. Mardiana and Z-I. Kawasaki, 13th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 1999.

  44. Broadband interferometer and 3D observations, R Mardiana, Y. Ohta, Z-I. Kawasaki, and M. Murakami, Proceeding of 11th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, pp.2-5, 1999.

  45. 3D imaging of lightning channel and leader progression velocity, Z-I. Kawasaki, H. Isoda and S. Yoshihashi, ibid., pp.54-57, 1999.

  46. TRMM/LIS observations and lightning activity, Z-I. Kawasaki and S. Yoshihashi, ibid. pp.176-179, 1999.

  47. Broadband radio interferometer utilizing a sequential triggering technique for locating fast-moving electromagnetic sources emitted from lightning, R. Mardiana, T. Ushio, Y. Ohta, M. Murakami, Z-I. Kawasaki, K. Matsu-ura, IMTC/99 Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technof?logy Conference, pp.1761-1766, 1999.

  48. Frequency analysis of broadband interferometer for lightning observations, R. Mardiana and Z-I. Kawasaki, Proceeding of the 1999 International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, pp.117-123, 1999.

  49. Lightning observations and positioning using broadband interferometer, R. Mardiana, Z-I. Kawasaki, M. Murakami and K. Matsu-ura, ibid., pp.215-224, 1999.

  50. Is bi-directional leader progression concept true? Z-I. Kawasaki, Atmospheric and Ionospheric Electromagnetic Phenomena Associated with earthquakes, Terra Scientific Publishing Company, pp.951-957, 1999.

  51. Lightning observations and positioning system by means of broadband interferometer, R. Mardiana and Z-I. Kawasaki, Eleventh International Symposium on High-Voltage Engineering, pp.2200-2203, 1999.

  52. Shielding effect of reinforced concrete building on direct lightning stroke to distribution power line, K. Yamamoto, Z-I. Kawasaki, K. Matsu-ura, and S. Sekioka, ibid., pp.2204-2207, 1999.

  53. TRMM/LIS observations of lightning activity over Indonesia, E. H. Hamid, Z-I. Kawasaki and R. Mardiana, IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, 2000.

  54. Location of partial discharge source on distribution line by measuring emitted pulse-train electromagnetic waves, A. Tungkanawanich, Z-I. Kawasaki, J. Abe and K. Matsu-ura, ibid., 2000.

  55. 3D observations of positive cloud-to-ground using interferometer, S. Yoshihashi and Z-I. Kawasaki, 25th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Vol.A, pp176-181, 2000.

  56. Anew database of global lightning distribution, T. Ushio, S. Heckman, H. Christian, and Z-I. Kawasaki, 4th European symposium on electro magnetic compatibility, Sep. 2000.

  57. Analysis of VHF-wideband electromagnetic noises from partial discharge using discrete wavelet transforms, A. Tungkanawanich, E. Y. Hamif?d, Z-I. Kawasaki, and K. Matsu-ura, IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, 2001.

  58. Virtual instrument for lightning discharge analysis and real-time lightning monitoring, R. Mardiana, T. Morimoto, and Z. Kawasaki, Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium 2001, Osaka, July 2001.

  59. Recent results from LIS and OTD-storm height and flash rate, T. Ushio, S. Heckman, D. Boccippio, H. Christian, K. Okamoto, and Z-I. Kawasaki, Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference 2001, pp.128, Aug. 2001.

  60. A survey of thunderstorm flash rates compared to cloud top height using TRMM satellite data, T. Ushio, S. Heckman, D. Boccippio, H. Christian, K. Okamoto, and Z-I. Kawasaki, 5th International Workshop on physics of lightning, pp.69-70, Sep. 2001.

  61. Error evaluation for the broadband interferometry, T. Morimoto, Z. Kawasaki, and R. Mardiana, AGU 2001 Fall Meeting, Dec. 2001.

  62. Lightning observations by the broadband interferometer to consider possible charge distribution in thunderclouds, Z. Kawasaki, T. Morimoto, and R. Mardiana, AGU 2001 Fall Meeting, Dec. 2001.

  63. What we have learned by TRMM/PR and LIS, Z-I. Kawasaki, T. Ushio, and S. Yoshida, TRMM International Science Conference, pp.122, July 2002.

  64. On the relationship between radar reflectivity and flash rate, International Union of Radio Science General Assembly, T. Ushio, S. Yoshida, S. Sakurai, K. Okamoto, and Z-I. Kawasaki, pp.1617, Aug. 2002.

  65. Computational and experimental study on the localization of impulsive noise source, M. S. Soliman, A. Hirata, T. Morimoto, and Z. Kawasaki, XXVIIth General Assembly of URSI, Aug. 2002.

  66. Lightning observations and visualization of charge distribution in thunderclouds using broadband interferometer, T. Morimoto and Z. Kawasaki, XXVIIth General Assembly of URSI, Aug. 2002.

  67. On electromagnetic waves radiated by lighf?tning discharges, T. Morimoto, A. Hirata, and Z. Kawasaki, International Symposium for Young Researchers on Modeling and their Applications, Oct. 2002.

  68. An experimental study on three-dimensional localization for impulsive noise source, M. S. Soliman, T. Morimoto, A. Hirata, and Z. Kawasaki, Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, vol.2, pp.1115-1118, Nov. 2002.

  69. 3-D localization system of ultra-wideband impulsive noise sources, A. Hirata, T. Morimoto, and Z. Kawasaki, IEEE Int'l Symp. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, May 2003.

  70. DOA estimation for impulsive EM pulses with a broadband interferometry, T. Morimoto, Y. Hosokawa, A. Hirata, and Z. Kawasaki, 2003 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/CNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Jun. 2003.

  71. Three-dimensional lightning observations and consideration to charge distribution inside thunderclouds using the broadband interferometer, T. Morimoto, T. Shimura, and Z. Kawasaki, 12th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Jun. 2003.

  72. Bi-directional leader concept and VHF observations, Z. Kawasaki and T. Morimoto, 12th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Jun. 2003.

  73. National wide SAFIRnetwork in Japan, Z. Kawasaki, S. Yoshida, and T. Morimoto, 12th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Jun. 2003.

  74. Vertical development of lightning activity observed by the LDAR system -Lightning Bubbles-, T. Ushio, S. Heckman, H. Christian, Z-I. Kawasaki, and K. Okamoto, 12th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Jun. 2003.

  75. What we have learned by TRMM/PR and LIS, Z-I. Kawasaki, T. Ushio, S. Yoshida, and Y. Satoh, 12th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, pp.669-672, June 2003.

  76. Proposal of detection system for partial discharge sources, S. Nakata, M. S. Soliman, T. Morimoto, A. Hirata, and Z. Kawasaki, Internationf?al Conference on Insulation Condition Monitoring of Electrical Plant '03 & Asian Conference on Electrical Insulation Diagnosis '03, B-05, Oct. 2003.

  77. A distinct class of negative cloud-to-ground flashes observed by a broadband interferometer, T. Morimoto, R. Kawabe, Y. Sonoda, Z. Kawasaki, and T. Ushio, AGU 2003 Fall Meeting, Dec. 2003.

  78. Operational VHF broadband digital interferometry and observation of thunderstorm, A. Matsumoto, M. Shimizu, T. Morimoto, Y. Sonoda, Z. Kawasaki, and T. Ushio, AGU 2003 Fall Meeting, Dec. 2003.

  79. Compensation of antenna mutual coupling effect in the DOA estimation for UWB waves, A. Hirata and Z. Kawasaki, URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, pp.504-506, May 2004.

  80. A novel DOA estimation scheme for Ultra-Wideband electromagnetic waves, A. Hirata and Z. Kawasaki, 2004 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Jun. 2004.

  81. VHF broadband interferometer and lightning monitoring, T. Morimoto and Z. Kawasaki, 2004 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Jun. 2004.

  82. VHF broadband digital interferometer and mapping of lightning discharge, Z. Kawasaki, T. Morimoto, R. Kawabe, and T. Ushio, 2004 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, Aug. 2004.

  83. On the relationship between vertical profile of radar reflectivity and lightning flash rate observed by the space-borne sensors, T. Ushio, K. Okamoto, Z-I. Kawasaki, Los Alamos Workshop on Lightning Monitoring from Space, Sep. 2004.

  84. VHF broadband digital interferometer on panel extension satellite, Z-I. Kawasaki, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, S. Nakasuka, and T. Aoki, Los Alamos Workshop on Lightning Monitoring from Space, Sep. 2004.

  85. The contrast of the El Nino and La Nina events on the convection over East Asia, S. Oita, T. Morimoto, Z. Kawasaki, and T. Ushio, 2nd TRMM Science Conference, Sep. 2004.

  86. Lightning Observations in Darwin and TRMM/PR, LIS Observations, T. Morimoto, S. Oita, R. Kawabe, Z. Kawasaki, and T. Ushio, 2nd TRMM Science Conference, Sep. 2004.

  87. VHF broadband interferometer for lightning monitoring system, A. Matsumoto, A. Nozue, M. Shimizu, Z. Kawasaki, and T. Morimoto, 27th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Sep. 2004.

  88. The contrast of the El Nino and La Nina events on the convection over East Asia, S. Oita, T. Morimoto, Z. Kawasaki, and T. Ushio, AGU 2004 Fall Meeting, Dec. 2004.

  89. VHF broadband digital interferometer on panel extension satellite, Z. Kawasaki, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, S. Nakasuka, and T. Aoki, AGU 2004 Fall Meeting, Dec. 2004.

  90. VHF broadband digital interferometer and winter thunderstorm observations, T. Morimoto, Z. Kawasaki, and T. Ushio, Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 2005, Aug. 2005.

  91. TRMM/LIS observations and lightning activity, Z. Kawasaki, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, and S. Oita, Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 2005, Aug. 2005.

  92. Positive CG during winter thunderstorms and possible parent cloud of sprite, Z. Kawasaki, T. Morimoto, and T. Ushio, Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 2005, Aug. 2005.

  93. VHF broadband digital interferometer on a small satellite, Z. Kawasaki, T. Morimoto, and T. Ushio, International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity 2005, Sep. 2005.

  94. An operational VHF broadband digital interferometer and thunderstorm observations, T. Morimoto, Z. Kawasaki, and T. Ushio, The XXVIIIth URSI General Assembly, Oct. 2005.

  95. The integrated use of a lightning network and Doppler radars in the state of Sao Paulo to identify and forecast severe storms and its applicatf?ion to power electric utilities, G. Held, A. M. Gomes, O. Pinto, K. P. Naccarato, T. Morimoto, and Z. Kawasaki, VIII International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Nov. 2005.

  96. Positive CG flashes and possible parent cloud of sprite during winter thunderstorm seasons in Japan, Z.Kawasaki, T.Morimoto, and T.Ushio, AGU 2005 Fall Meeting, Dec. 2005.

  97. TRMM/LIS and PR observations and thunderstorm activity, S. Oita, T. Morimoto, Z. Kawasaki, and T. Ushio, AGU 2005 Fall Meeting, Dec. 2005.

  98. Lightning observations from space by broadband VHF digital interferometer (Special Issue Review), Z. Kawasaki, IEEJ Trans. FM, Vol. 126, No.1, pp.10-12, 2006.

  99. Consideration of positive charge distribution inside thunderclouds by means of VHF broadband digital interferometer observations, T. Morimoto, Z. Kawasaki, and T. Ushio, AGU 2005 Fall Meeting, Dec. 2005.

  100. VHF broadband digital interferometer on a small satellite, Z. Kawasaki, T. Morimoto, and T. Ushio, 25th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS), June 2006.

  101. ENSO and convective activities by TRMM observations, T. Morimoto, S. Oita, T. Ushio, and Z. Kawasaki, The Lightning Imaging Sensor International Workshop, Sep. 2006.

  102. A parameterization of lightning by TRMM/LIS and PR, S. Yoshida, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, and Z. Kawasaki, The Lightning Imaging Sensor International Workshop, Sep. 2006.

  103. Mapping of lightning distribution at geostationary scale, T. Ushio, K. Kitani, S. Noda, T. Morimoto, Z. Kawasaki, and K. Okamoto, The Lightning Imaging Sensor International Workshop, Sep. 2006.

  104. An operational VHF broadband digital interferometer and winter thunderstorm observations, T. Morimoto, M. Akita, T. Ushio, and Z. Kawasaki, 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Sep. 2006.

  105. Lightning activity observed by TRMM satellitef?, T. Morimoto, Z. Kawasaki, T. Ushio, and S. Oita, 28th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Sep. 2006.

  106. Radiation bursts synchronizing with lightning discharges in Hokuriku, Japan, S. Yoshida, M. Satoh, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, Z. Kawasaki, T. Torii, D. Wang, N. Takagi, and T. Watanabe, 13th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity (ICAE), Aug. 2007.

  107. Global impact of ENSO events by TRMM observations, S. Yoshida, N. Nakazato, S. Oita, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, and Z. Kawasaki, 13th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity (ICAE), Aug. 2007.

  108. Three-dimensional VHF observations using advanced VHF broadband digital interferometer, M. Akita, K. Hirai, M. Satoh, Y. Nakamura, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, and Z. Kawasaki, 13th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity (ICAE), Aug. 2007.

  109. Spaceborne VHF broadband digital interferometer for thunderstorm observations, T. Morimoto, Z. Kawasaki, and T. Ushio, 13th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity (ICAE), Aug. 2007.

  110. Lower atmospheric radar observations of thunderclouds in summer, Y. Nakamura, M. Akita, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, and Z. Kawasaki, “ 13th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity (ICAE), Aug. 2007.